Today we dove into letter A of MY ABC Bible Verses!
If you havent checked out this book it is great for preschoolers (my Kinder loves it too) when telling stories about being good disciples of the Lord in their own terms. The stories are short, easy to remember and ask simple questions that the kids can memorize.
Today was Proverbs 15:1, "A soft answer turns away wrath.."
The story was about two little girls who, with the help of the Holy Spirit, were able to avoid an arguement over their dolls by soft and gentle answers.
So, we made dolls!
I have to admit I planned this this morning and happened to go by Joanns for inspiration where I found clay doll forms on clearance for $2.97! The girls, with a lot of my help, were able to create clay clothing for their dolls and decorate them. When they were done we baked the dolls to "set" the clay.
Through it all, I wanted to remind the girls that their new dolls were fragile, and were reminders that we are all fragile and can be broken by harsh words.
So good!
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