What a great time had by all..and some yummy and healthy cookies! Thanks Sandie!!!
We started something called the Flat Stanley Project this week. www.flatstanley.com
Kaili was so excited to get her package from her penpal Bess in Georgia!
Our Mid-Autumn Festival was so fun! We ate fried rice and wontons, made our own lanterns and dragons, did a Chinese Dragon dance and ate mooncake (not for the faint of pallats:))
We made wontons to prepare for our Mid-utumn Festival Celebration with our friends! The girls loved getting their hands dirty!
Some more tactile art work! The grls glued confetti, etc onto their numbers, they loved this art time!
We had fun practicing our numbers with shaving cream...although I didnt catch any photos of the girls doing this, I had to throw in this shot of Camryn! She learned the hard way that this cream was not whipped!
This was one of our co-op days where we learned about sound and sound waves! Thanks Teacher Karen!!!
Every week Kaili goes to PE with our homeschooling group CFS. They have groups all around San Diego..to learn morego to cfssd.org
Today we practiced our numbers in whipped cream. Lets just say the girls really enjoyed eating their work!
The first day of school! The girls woke up to new backpacks and a full stocked work area! They had a great first day, and we ended it with a trip to te carwash (they love this) and lunch with Daddy at Islands!
So, school has been in session for 3 weeks now and we have done some fun stuff! Sorry for not posting sooner, I promise I will post as we do these things from now on :) So, here is a big jumble of our recent school days!
Here i our schoolroom. I got the desks and chairs at Ikea, such a great deal! We are working on the workbox system with the center scrapbook storage area...to learn more about this go to www.workboxsystem.com
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